Fx. Heru Edi Jatmika
Pusat pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Industri dan Sistem Transportasi, Deputi Bidang Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan rekayasa - BPP Teknologi
Ports play and important role in supporting regional economic development. In anticipating the enactment of the AFTA after 2003, the provincial government of Riau has started to improve its main ports to capture any economic opportunity coming from the spill-over effects of the economic development of both Singapore and Malaysia. Unfortunately, simultaneous developments of ports may require a considerable amount of funds. A priority list of port development needs to be provided. Cluster analysis is employed as an analytical means to devise a priority list of port development and to select a major port to be promoted as an international hub port. The model output – using 26 main ports in Riau province – shows that there are six main clusters of port describing the importance of port that need to be developed. Of these, Dumai port has the highest rank of all. The port of Pekanbaru ranks second. The main finding is that the port of Dumai has phe priority to be developed and it has the potential to be promoted as an international hub port in Riau Province.