Muhamad Sadly
Pusat pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Inventarisasi Sumberdaya Alam, Deputi Bidang TPSA – BPP Teknologi
The microstrip antenna, because of its small size, light weight, low profile and low manufacturing cost is finding increasing applications in the commercial sector of the industry, especially in the remote sensing industry. Within the pas several years, many remote sensing applications have analyzed and used NOAA-AVHRR data sets to detect, classify and identify features by using a variety of approaches. Recent developments in ground receiving station of NOAA-AVHRR with HRPT system enable this problem to be studied further. In this paper present the review and discusses of the NOAA-AVHRR ground receiving stations technical features and proposed a preliminary system design of NOA-AVHRR mini receiving station. The proposed system design was applied the microstrip antenna planar array type as an antenna system for NOAA-AVHRR mini receiving station, because of its above.