Dirham Cahyono & Husin Adam
Biro Perencanaan, Gd. II Lt. 14 Jl. MH. Thamrin 8 Jakarta
Program IPTEKDA is part of Program Diseminasi Teknologi. Program Diseminasi Teknologi (PDT) is the subsequent of the program penguatan kompetensi (PKK) which is also one of the Program Unggulan (PU) which has been ready to be spreaded out and implemented. The earning of the group of industry (IKM/UKM) or others group in the community, that using the program IPTEKDA, is expected to increasing and stimulated the development indifferent group of industry, especially within the region that need to implement teknologi tepat guna. The improvement of the Program IPTEKDA could be done by enhancing the management of the research and development in each phase of the program i.e. the proposing activities phase, technology and human resources, program selection phase, execution of the program phase and post program phase. Stressing should also be put on the cooperation and contribution of the partners in technology dissemination program. Those steps are expected to support activities of program IPTEKDA in order to promote industries in the region.