Purwantiningsih Sugita
Jurusan Kimia FMIPA IPB, Jl. raya Pajajaran, Bogor.
Structure modification on isolated artemisinin to dihydroartemisinin was conducted using NaBH4 a weak reductor and the result was a soft white needle like crystalline with melting point of 151 – 1530C. The rendemen was 79.4%. The compound was characterized by ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR) and mass (MS) spectroscopy. The data obtained were then compared to these obtained from artemisinin standard. The Spectrum showed that wavelength (λ) maximum (in methanol) was at 204nm which was in agreement with those of standard. Its IR spectrum showed the presence of hydroxyl group at 3379.1 cm-1 and a peroxide group at 1134.1 ; 933.5 and 875.6 cm-1. Mass spectrum showed that the molecular weight of the compound was 284 which was similar to that of dihydroartemisinin, C15H24O5. The dihydroartemisinin obtained was then subjected to methylation with diazomethane gas in an effort to modify the molecules to artemeter, however the effort was not succeeded. Presumably doe to a steric factor, i.e. the dihydroartemisinin molecule is too big to act as a nucleophile.