Herdis & Ida Kusuma
Pusat Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Pertanian, Deputi Bidang Teknologi Agroindustri dan Bioteknologi – BPP Teknologi Gd. BPPT II lt.16 Jl. MH. Thamrin no.8 Jakarta 10340
Heat synchronization is a technique to stimulated an animal or a flock of animal perform heat period simultaneously. In the application of artificial insemination technology, the synchronization program is needed to obtain reproduction of efficiency and to adjust productivity to fulfill the market demand. The Experiment was carried out to observe the effect of Control Internal Drugs Release (CIDR) contain progesterone and the combination of CIDR and ovalumon contain estrogen. The result indicated that all treatment with CIDR or its combination with ovalumon respond positively to the heat period of Garut Sheep. After the synchronization with intravaginal CIDR for 12 days period, the heat appeared 31.83 ± 3.82 hours after the refusal of CIDR, while the intravaginal CIDR for 12 days combined with intra muscular ovalumon on 13th days, shown the heat 29.83 ± 3.37 hours after CIDR refusal. There are no significant different between treatment of CIDR and the combination of CIDR and ovalumon.