Achmad Hasan
Pusat Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi Konversi dan Konservasi Energi, Deputi Teknologi Informasi, Energi, Material dan Lingkungan – BPP Teknologi
The manner in which price are passed through the various level of gasoline, diesel fuel and petroleum markets is not uniform. While Successive sellers of a product presumably act to cover their costs and make a profit, sellers vary greatly in their pricing behavior, such as reaction to competitors price changes and attempts to protect or increase market share. One of the most revealing aspects of this analysis is what the results do not show : there is so little difference between actual retail petroleum and diesel fuel prices and the forecast created form spot prices and observed lag patterns that there is no evidence of significant influence and aggregate retail prices beyond the spot price level. It is also useful to note some apparent differences between price pass through for gasoline and that for diesel fuel. It appears from comparing the results of the present study with previous work on diesel fuel that the result for diesel fuel are some what more consistent, producing a more accurate model.